Find your “Ah-ha” moment!
Clarity through coaching


Does Coaching Work?
New Scientific Evidence Points to Yes

New scientific evidence that iPEC’s Core Energy Coaching™ model produces results for clients, including improving their life satisfaction in several key areas.

Download this free report on how your Core Energy determines your life potential


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What we do:

Team Coaching

Team work is hard.  High performing teams don’t just happen. They require training and skill building.  Throwing a bunch of people together and calling them “a team,” is like putting a bunch of people on a playground and calling it a game. Someone will get hurt, some will leave, some will bully, some will remain quiet and become invisible. No one will have fun. Team coaching improves communication, efficiency and overall performance.

Leadership Coaching

Can you imagine a top notch athlete not having a coach? Of course not! Why, then, do we think we can become top notch leaders without one?

Leadership coaching can help supervisors, managers and senior leaders change from having a job with leadership responsibilities to becoming a high performing leader!


Unsure where to start but have a desire to learn more? Our workshops help you zone in on what you want to focus on. Experience with like minded people to further your journey.

Transition Coaching

The only thing that is constant, is change.”  We all know that intellectually, but most of us don’t like it. Change is hard, scary, and elicits our deepest insecurities. Ultimately, most of us adjust, but do we adjust well?

Transition coaching facilitates a healthy response to change ~ both change that you elect and change that was thrust upon you. 

For a free consultation to determine if coaching is for you, please contact us: